What Is Your North Star In Life?
Polaris is a bright star in the northern hemisphere that is often used as a reference point for navigation purposes. As the star’s direction is located close to the Earth’s north pole, it is often referred to as the North Star. In today’s context, the North Star often refers to one’s fundamental belief or ideal, giving motivation and meaning to life.
Out of the infinite choices and possibilities, my North Star is succinctly described as follows:
“Capacity is not the problem; attitude and choices are”
Let me break down my North Star into details. Firstly, everyone will face trials and tribulations unique to our own circumstances in life. It is with these challenges that we experience failures and setbacks which we often attribute to our individual incapabilities and shortcomings. For example, when I delivered my first task at work to my manager, it was less than acceptable and was returned with many areas of improvement. It certainly was demoralising and I questioned my own capabilities to create and bring value to my organisation.
However, the attitude one adopts is very important. Had I continued to doubt myself and remain contained in self limiting narratives, it would have certainly led to me making choices that supported them. For example, my loss of confidence could lead me to procrastinate in reviewing and delivering my work. It could also encourage me to stay within my comfort zone, ultimately limiting my future experiences and personal potential. I choose to believe that we are beings with intellect and unlimited potential to grow and develop as an individual. So if capacity isn’t the problem, what is the right attitude to adopt?
What works best for me is to have a beginner’s mindset. To walk into each situation with the anticipation of learning something new, while having the patience with myself to learn and increase my own proficiency. Imagine your own experiences of observing how delighted and excited children were when they were exposed to new experiences. And when the children were unsuccessful in executing their tasks on the first few tries, where the adults judgemental or were they very patient and encouraging towards the children? We all have the compassion in us to be forgiving and have patience towards mistakes and setbacks, so why are we treating ourselves harshly whenever we are unsuccessful?
Summing it up, mistakes and failures are unavoidable when you are new to specific tasks. Face each challenge with the optimism and curiosity to learn and do better, as there is no limit to one’s potential and capabilities. Since we are treading on the topic of astrology, discussing about our North Star, here is another inspiring quote that I recently came across while learning through an online course:
“Whatever you commit to doing, do it with the intensity of the Sun.”
Combining both quotes together - have the right attitude and follow through with 100% focus and accountability. Now you know what’s my North Star, have you found yours and are you living by it?